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Medical Chiropractic for sale in Sarasota

Contact Information Inquire Here General Location: Sarasota ID#: b96423009
Financial Information Asking Price: $650,000 Gross Annual Revenue: $678,719 Adjusted Annual Earnings: $337,952
Additional Information General Category: Chiropractic Specific Buisness Type: Medical Chiropractic Summary Profile:

This offering is for a chiropractic clinic serving accomplished athletes, weekend warriors, and the general public for nearly two decades. In addition to offering solutions specific to athletic injury, the clinic offers general chiropractic services as well as contracted services with a local corporation generating guaranteed income.  The clinic is staffed by two doctors, an office manager, and a front desk person. Equipment includes 4 Omni chiropractic tables and an electrical stimulation unit. The clientele is approximately 90% cash pay.  The seller is retiring; however, is willing to stay on for up to three years to facilitate the transition.

The business operates in a 922 square foot seller-owned medical office space on a highly traveled road. The seller prefers to sell the office with the business for an additional $275,000.

Opportunities for a buyer:

  1. Hire a massage therapist, physical therapist, and another Chiropractor specializing in athletic injuries.
  2. Solicit corporate accounts.
  3. Raise prices given present demand outweighs supply.

Contact Tom Jones 754-224-3111 refer to 964-23009 when inquiring.